In a horrific incident, a woman in India’s Madhya Pradesh allegedly killed herself after her husband did not allow her to go to a beauty parlour, India Today reported.
According to Sub Inspector Umashankar Yadav, the woman — identified as Reena Yadav — hanged herself from a ceiling fan in her home on Thursday.
“Her husband has told us he stopped her from going to a beauty parlour and she hanged herself from a fan in a fit of rage. Post mortem has been carried out and the case is being probed from all angles,” said the policeman.
Her husband named Balram informed the police about the incident after which the 34-year-old’s body was taken for a post-mortem examination.
The police official also said that the case is being investigated from all angles.
The couple, Balram and Reena, had been married for 15 years. However, the couple is usually involved in constant fights, according to the deceased’s family members.
“I just asked her not to go to the beauty parlour. I informed the police,” said Balram, who often stayed at home.
A similar incident took place earlier this month when a student in grade 8 killed himself by jumping from the 16th floor of his building in Maharashtra’s Bhayander as he did not like his short haircut.
The 13-year-old, named Shatrughan Pathak, jumped from the bathroom window of his flat and sadly lost his life.
The boy went to the salon to get a haircut with his cousin and was upset with his new look. The family of the boy told the police that Pathak looked sad with his short hair when he came back home.
They said that they tried to cheer him up along with his sisters but it did not work and the boy jumped out of the window at 11:30pm after his family members went to bed.