US provides cluster munitions to Ukraine in landmark move

Biden agrees to send cluster munitions to Ukraine, citing ammunition shortage. AFP/File

In a move that has drawn both praise and criticism, the United States has agreed to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine as part of an $800 million security package. 

These munitions, banned by over 100 countries, will play a significant role in Ukraine’s ongoing counteroffensive against Russian forces. The decision has ignited intense debate surrounding the use of these weapons due to their potential risk to civilians and long-term consequences.

Defending the move, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan highlighted the importance of Ukraine’s need for additional artillery ammunition to counter the advancing Russian troops. “There is also a massive risk of civilian harm if Russian troops and tanks roll over Ukrainian positions,” Sullivan stated. 

The US government has obtained written assurances from Ukraine that the cluster munitions will be used responsibly and not in urban areas with civilian populations.

Cluster munitions are known for their ability to scatter bomblets over a large area, posing a threat to both military targets and civilians. While many countries, including key US allies, have outlawed the use of these munitions, the US and Ukraine are not signatories to the ban. Human rights groups, including Human Rights Watch, have strongly criticised the decision, arguing that it will cause long-term suffering and undermine international efforts to condemn the use of such weapons.

Germany, a key US ally and a signatory to the ban on cluster munitions, expressed opposition to providing these weapons to Ukraine. However, Germany refrained from directly commenting on the US decision, saying that it is not up to them to criticise the actions of non-signatory countries. Other US lawmakers have supported the move while urging the government to consider providing additional advanced weaponry to Ukraine.

President Joe Biden initially hesitated in approving the transfer of cluster munitions, given the global consensus against their use. However, changing battlefield conditions and Ukraine’s urgent need for ammunition influenced his decision. The munitions will provide a temporary solution until non-cluster ammunition can be resupplied to Ukraine.

Russia’s Ambassador to Belarus, Boris Gryzlov, referred to the US decision as “a move of desperation.” Gryzlov suggested that the West’s support for Ukraine’s counteroffensive indicated a realisation that it was not progressing as planned.

As the conflict between Ukraine and Russia continues, the delivery of cluster munitions represents a significant development that will have far-reaching implications. The decision will undoubtedly shape the course of the war and its impact on civilians caught in the crossfire.

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