Study reveals: Climate change to cost global economy trillions, urgent action needed – Times of India

A study published in “Nature” has sounded the alarm on the dire economic consequences of climate change, revealing that the global economy is poised to suffer staggering losses, with damages estimated at a whopping 38 trillion dollars annually by 2050. Led by scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), the study paints a bleak picture of the economic toll of climate change, surpassing even the costs of mitigation efforts to limit global warming.
According to the study, even if CO2 emissions were drastically reduced starting today, the world economy is already committed to a significant income reduction of 19 percent by 2050 due to climate change.This grim projection is based on empirical data from over 1,600 regions worldwide spanning the past four decades, analyzing the future impacts of changing climatic conditions on economic growth.
Lead author Maximilian Kotz of PIK explains, “Strong income reductions are projected for the majority of regions, with North America and Europe among those hardest hit. South Asia and Africa, however, face the most severe impacts, driven by climate change’s effects on agricultural yields, labor productivity, and infrastructure.”
The study emphasizes that these damages, primarily caused by rising temperatures and changes in rainfall patterns, could escalate further when factoring in other weather extremes like storms and wildfires. Notably, the United States and European Union are also forecasted to experience substantial economic costs due to climate change.
Leonie Wenz, who led the study, warns, “Massive economic damages are imminent in almost all countries within the next 25 years, including highly-developed nations like Germany, France, and the United States. These near-term losses are a consequence of past emissions, necessitating urgent adaptation efforts to mitigate their impact.”
The study’s findings underscore the urgent need for immediate and drastic emission cuts to avert even greater economic losses in the coming decades, projected to reach up to 60% globally by 2100. Anders Levermann, co-author of the study, emphasizes the stark inequity of climate impacts, with countries least responsible for emissions poised to suffer the most significant losses, yet least equipped to adapt.
Levermann concludes, “Structural changes towards renewable energy are imperative for our security and economic stability. Failure to act decisively will result in catastrophic consequences. Stabilizing the planet’s temperature requires an end to the burning of fossil fuels.”

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