Drinking Too Much Masala Tea? Watch Out For These 6 Warning Signs!

Kickstarting the day with a steaming cup of tea is a daily ritual for many, particularly during the winter season. Whether it’s black tea, masala tea, green tea, or milk tea, people choose their brew based on personal preferences. Masala tea, infused with an array of whole spices like ginger, basil, cinnamon stick, small cardamom, black cardamom, and black pepper, takes centre stage during the colder months. While the rich flavour of masala tea is undeniably delightful, it’s crucial to understand the potential health impacts of an excess of spices, making it essential to strike a balance.

What is Masala Tea?

Masala tea, a popular beverage in India, involves adding whole spices to the brewing process alongside traditional elements like tea leaves, sweeteners, and milk. Some enthusiasts opt for a milk-free version, while others create a special tea masala by grinding the spices into a powder. The consumption of masala tea in winter is believed to boost immunity, but excessive intake can tip the scales towards adverse health effects.

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The spices inherent to masala tea, such as cinnamon, black pepper, and black cardamom, possess warming properties. While moderate consumption aligns with potential health benefits, an excess of masala tea may lead to various health issues that demand attention.

6 Disadvantages of Having Too Much Masala Tea:

1. Digestive Discomfort

Overindulgence in whole spices can result in stomach aches, constipation, and flatulence. It’s advised to use them in moderation to prevent digestive issues.

2. Caffeine Concerns

Masala tea contains a notable amount of caffeine, and excessive consumption may not be suitable for everyone. Individuals prone to stress or anxiety should be cautious about their caffeine intake.

3. Allergic Reactions

Some individuals may have allergies to specific spices. Those with known spice allergies should exercise caution and refrain from consuming masala tea.

4. Blood Pressure Impact

The richness of spices in masala tea can contribute to elevated blood pressure levels. Individuals with hypertension are advised to avoid excessive consumption.

5. Heartburn Risks

The abundance of spices can sometimes lead to heartburn. It is recommended to limit consumption to prevent this discomfort.

6. Eye Irritation and Allergies

Black pepper in masala tea may cause eye irritation, and pregnant women may be susceptible to allergies. Care should be taken, and excessive consumption should be avoided during pregnancy.

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In essence, moderation is key when enjoying masala tea or any beverage. While the blend of whole spices can enhance flavour and offer potential health benefits, excessive consumption may lead to undesirable consequences. Striking a balance ensures that the comforting ritual of sipping masala tea remains a positive experience for health-conscious individuals.

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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